Hi, I'm Roger L. Beck


Can I have multiple interfaces in one subnet?

Topic It may have crossed your mind to have in a . The reasons might be that you would like to have some kind of manual load balance or restrict access in some way. And the result: It does not work quite right. I have heard many times that this is an invalid and wrong […]


Performance testing with vidio and frametest

Topic Once you have your StorNext file system up and running, you may want to know what the is. File system performance measurement and a to perform some troubleshooting to hunt down the root cause. Situation When you set up your file system, you may have or have not performed a speed test. Especially in […]


What’s the Best SAN File System for Sharing Media?

Since it is an essential requirement for every computer, the file system has been taken for granted for a long time. There are more than 85 different choices for local file systems (at least that was the case last time I counted), including to name just a few, all covering various kinds of hardware and […]


configure XSAN 4 – Yosemite – El Capitan

Situation You want to connect an OSX 10.10 () or OSX 10.11 () client to your existing StorNext SAN or XSAN. Both OSX versions are based. Yosemite’s embedded XSAN version is compatible with . The XSAN version within El-Capitan apparently is only compatible with StorNext 5.x but not with StorNext 4.7 as officially listed in […]


Changing SNFS disk labels

Changing SNFS disk labels un-mount the active file system from all clients run cvadmin -e ‘stop <file system name>’ run cvfsck -j <file system name> (flushing the journal, should not be required but …) run cvfsck <file system name> expecting no errors; stop here on errors create a backup of the metadata using being paraniod […]


Renaming a stornext file system

Topic As it’s quite easy on a generic local file system to with , it’s the opposite in a environment.  In some (or even most) cases you have to offload the data, rename the file system and initialize it again. It’s also possible under , even if not well documented. No can do?


StorNext labels gone? DON’T panic!

Topic In environments are often used to address a specific , rather than using the device identifiers or numbers, to simplify the addressing of devices. Plus, a device does not have to be tied to a unique device number/id. Losing a label due to a crash, or a defective hardware part or simply because a […]


StorNext performance: Allocation fill or round robin?

Topic There are many ways to configure and optimize your file system under , and one option that makes (or can make) a difference is the . Which setting to use depends on your storage and the type of content you create. For the media and entertainment world we talk about unstructured data. For the […]