Changing SNFS disk labels
Changing SNFS disk labels
- un-mount the active file system from all clients
- run cvadmin -e ‘stop <file system name>’
- run cvfsck -j <file system name> (flushing the journal, should not be required but …)
- run cvfsck <file system name> expecting no errors; stop here on errors
- create a backup of the metadata using snmetadump
- being paraniod helps, check the metadump with snmetadump
- run cvlabel -c > /my_labels
- run cvlabel -c > /tmp/my_new_labels
- copy /usr/cvfs/config/<file system name>.(x)cfg to /usr/cvfs/config/<file system name>.(x)
- edit /tmp/my_new_labels to change device labels names as desired
- edit /usr/cvfs/config/<file system name>.(x)cfg to reflect “new_labels”
- run cvlabel /tmp/my_new_labels to relabel devices
- run cvadmin -e ‘start <file system name>’
- run cvadmin -e ‘activate <file system name>’
- mount file system and verify